It is not always easy to make balanced decisions in the complex financial world. Certainly not if the most up-to-date knowledge and skills are lacking within a company. That is why we ensure with our service and tools that every company always has the right knowledge, tools and data at its disposal. In this way we make it possible for every company, from a small non-profit to a large international company, to make balanced treasury decisions.
We view organisations as trees. In nature, roots provide anchorage in the ground and a solid foundation for the growth of a strong tree. In an organisation, appropriate and sound financing should lay a similarly solid foundation. The trunk and branches of a tree ensure that water and nutrients are absorbed and spread throughout the entire tree. This corresponds to IT tools that facilitate the efficient flow of money and resources throughout the organisation. The leaves and fruits of the tree, the yield of hard work, can also be found in organisations. The result of all efforts is the revenue and profit. In this metaphor, the financial department functions as a gardener, overseeing the health of the tree so that it can yield a full canopy of fruits every year.
We understand that a tree can only thrive in a healthy environment, and the environment can only be healthy if the tree contributes to it and leaves light and space for others. For an organisation, this is no different. A sustainable economy can only emerge and businesses can only flourish if we look beyond money. Therefore, treasury should involve more than money management. The transition to a sustainable economy is a significant challenge. We believe treasury can and should play a prominent role in this transition. Facing the challenges of tomorrow from a solid foundation is indeed what treasury entails.
AFM license
Wij beschikken over een vergunning als beleggingsonderneming van de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM). Dit betekent onder andere dat onze bedrijfsvoering, integriteit en vakbekwaamheid van onze bestuurders en de financiële situatie van onze onderneming voldoen aan de eisen gesteld door MiFID II en de Wet op het financieel toezicht. Ook voldoet onze dienstverlening aan de ESG-wetgeving. Vanzelfsprekend houdt Ilfa als vergunninghouder voortdurend de vinger aan haar eigen pols en zorgt voor een organisatie die aan alle eisen voldoet en blijft voldoen. B wat een beleggingsonderneming inhoudt op de website van de AFM.
We have a license as an investment firm from the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). This means, among other things, that our operations, integrity, and the expertise of our directors, as well as the financial situation of our company, meet the requirements set by MiFID II and the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht, Wft). Our services also comply with ESG legislation. Naturally, as a license holder, Ilfa constantly monitors and ensures that the organisation meets and continues to meet all requirements. You can find our license and more information about what an investment firm entails on the AFM website.
Irma founded Ilfa in 1995. Her expertise lies in solving complex financial issues that involve various forms of financing. Irma is adept at making connections and creating a positive atmosphere.
Gerard's strength lies in asking probing questions, collaborating, and simplifying complex situations. He views financial issues as a challenge, and once they are clarified, Gerard works purposefully without losing sight of the customer.
Jan is an expert in finance, treasury, and risk consulting. Treasury-linQ, Jan Rietveld's company, has been connected to Ilfa for many years through an affiliated agency. This collaboration has intensified, as Jan now also works under the name of Ilfa.
Renee's strength lies in making complex processes understandable by reducing them to simple examples. Quick adaptation to and alignment with the current situation makes it possible to achieve a predefined goal.
Jeroen is the head of the Treasury Desk. He is responsible for the daily processes we manage for clients and is the main contact person for substantive questions about figures and daily operations.
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Roy has been a member of the Treasury Desk for over 5 years and has gained considerable experience in the field of treasury. Alongside Jeroen and colleagues, he manages daily and monthly processes for clients.
Natin is a member of the Treasury Desk, responsible for operational activities. This includes managing daily treasury processes for clients.
Filip as a software developer has been responsible for the development of Ilfa software for almost 20 years. He ensures that clients have a clear understanding of bank costs and identifies opportunities for reduction.
As a starting software developer, Aron contributes to the development of Ilfa software in close collaboration with his colleagues Filip and Jan.
Kelly, as the office manager, is the all-rounder within Ilfa. In addition to her office management duties, she takes on HR tasks, supports colleagues from the Treasury Desk, and assists with various marketing activities.